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Ideal Remake

Thank you for listening to Ideal Remake! We take movies that either have been, will be, or should be remade and talk about what the ideal version of that remake would be! We look forward to you being a part of the Ideal Remake community!

Mar 19, 2018

It's PODCAST WEEK! And this time we're good at everything! We're brain surgeons! Rocket pilots! Musicians! Scientists! People the President Just Calls for Reasons! Alien Fighters!

We're watching BUCKAROO BANZAI!!

It is a movie.

And we are joined by the ever delightful SAMANTHA RAGER (@SGRager)!

Both Mike and Samantha LOVE this movie. And Sam... can't really understand why. It's a ridiculously fun back and forth that we really enjoyed making and you will really enjoy listening to.

And if you haven't, watch this movie. The level of bonkers cannot be believed.


Samantha Rager - @SGRager


Sam Gasch - @samgasch

Mike Bobbitt - @offthemike

Artwork: Lindsay Lleras:

Theme Song: Rebel Spies "Not Dead, Not Yet" from the album Rise!: